To New Beginnings

20430090_10209178744057691_1972334735673244062_nTravel can be life changing.

Sometimes on the road you have these crazy big epiphanies and you suddenly realize your life’s one true purpose. Sometimes you finally understand the meaning of life and existence and love.

Sometimes you just realize that you’ve been kind of a jerk for the past few days/months/years and that it’s time to start focusing on the positive. Yep, that last one is me. To new beginnings!

Having recently returned from a beautiful trip to India and Nepal, where I felt more alive than I’ve felt in years, I did some serious self-evaluation. And at the risk of sounding just like the legions of other white females who went on trips to find themselves and came back “totally changed” (yep, I’m looking at you Eat, Pray, Love and Wild), I realized that it was time to shake things up.

Life is short, friends. It’s too short to be anything but happy. It’s too short to spread negativity. It’s too short not to love the people around you. It’s too short not to share stories of all of the amazing people out there. To new beginnings!

I know things can seem pretty f#*^ing crazy. Obviously we can’t all stick our heads in the sand and pretend like everything is just peachy. But we can work on our perceptions together.

To perceive life positively means being just a little naive. It means putting on your rose-tinted glasses and doing what you can to make the world more beautiful.

Doesn’t that sound like something we all need right now? To new beginnings!

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