How to Procrastinate Training for a Race

Guys, I’m a chronic procrastinator.

A lot of people associate procrastination with unpleasant tasks, but I’m here to tell you that procrastination is a suitable approach for all aspects of your life! I particularly like to invoke procrastination when planning to exercise, which is ridiculous because I actually really enjoy physical activity much of the time. Nevertheless, procrastination truly is my modus operandi, even in this area.

Case in point:

I frequently sign up for a variety of running races. I would very much like to run a marathon at some point in my life, and I find the idea of a team adventure race with matching shirts and a running/punny slogan extremely exciting. (Yep, I’m one of those.) So when people ask if I’d like to join them in some sort of athletic/competitive/adventure type deal, I ALWAYS say yes.

I have great intentions for this. Not only will it be SO fun, but it’s a great excuse to get in even better shape! I will train hard, be disciplined, and bring honor and glory to my team! Sounds awesome, right?

If you are exercise-allergic and you are totally hating me right now, then have no fear, I’m also one of you too.

While all of this sounds great in my head, I have NO follow through when it comes to training. Which is why I frequently find myself Googling things like “how can i get ready to run 16 miles in 2 weeks?” (I really wish I were kidding, but if you check my most recent search history, that is right on top.)


Just in case, does anyone actually know how to get ready for that? I’ve got a team race 10 days from today and I am NOT prepared. (If you’ve ever run a Trail Ragnar, please send all of your good thoughts and also your tips for not getting eaten by bears…)

Procrastination can actually be a friend OR a foe, (More on that in the future) but right now I’m going to go ahead and say that we are officially not friends.

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