You don’t have to be “satisfied” with your life.

From the time we are children, we are shown that there is so much more to life than whatever is going on in our sleepy little towns. Whether we are on an adventure with Belle, desperately trying to get on-land like Ariel, or staring at the water with Moana, we see our role models as deeply unsatisfied with where they are and wanting something more for their lives. We begin to emulate this, playing dress-up and pretend, imagining great big lives for ourselves, full of daring adventures, beautiful views, and fabulous outfits.

These dreams don’t necessarily change as we get older; it’s just that our role models shift. Instead of Disney heroines we have celebrities via social media. We see private jets and champagne, designer clothes, glorious views from balconies in faraway places. It’s really not that different of a fairytale.

But something really changes when we enter the “real world”. With our debt and degrees, it’s not so cute to hold on to those childhood imaginings anymore. We’re told to grow up, to settle, to be satisfied with what we have if we have worked for it. We decide that the lives we have seen people living are not reality and we resign ourselves to staying home and living our lives the way they play out.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

It is okay to want more from your life. It is okay not just to desire adventure and beauty in your life, but to go out and actively seek them. If your dream doesn’t seem to fit with everyone else’s dreams, if you feel like your ideal life is not the norm, maybe it is because you were made for something different. And if that is the case, then by all means go out there and find it.

It is okay not to be satisfied. You are not flighty. You are not weird.

You were made for adventure. You were made to rebel. 🙂


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