What’s on my 20 in 2020 List:

If you’ve been around the blog for a bit, then you’ve probably realized that I love lists. I spent most of last year ticking off items on my 30 before 30 list, and I recently finished a post series on 30 ways to produce less waste. Usually, I am at my happiest working away on a list of tasks. I love defined items, cherish a tidy to-do list, luxuriate in a good organized agenda. Thus, it should come as no surprise that when I saw people making 20 before 2020 lists, I wanted IN.

As we are now almost two weeks into 2020, I’m just a little late for the 20 BEFORE 2020 party. So, much as I adjusted my 30 before 30 list to be a “30 while 30” due to time constraints, I’ve decided to compile a list of 20 IN 2020. 20 things I want to accomplish or try over the next year. 

Why make a 20 in 2020 list?

See the above paragraph where I explained just how much I love lists. But really, I feel (and perform) much better when working towards a specific set of goals. I don’t do well (or do much of anything to be perfectly honest) when I’m just drifting. To some, having a constant list of things to do, try, or be may seem exhausting. To me, it is exciting, propelling, and quite frankly, necessary. 

What’s on my list? 

You can check out my graphic below for the complete list. I’ve also chosen a few items I’m most excited about to get the year started and I’ll share why I’m pumped to have them on my list!

list of 20 items to do in 2020

1. Run another full marathon.

One of the items I was most psyched about on my 30 before 30 list was running my first full marathon. (You can read all about my experience training for that HERE.) I’m super proud of that accomplishment despite being one of the slowest runners I know. I’m even more excited to run my second full in 2020, this time with my husband training for his first-ever full. We’re planning to run the Rock n’ Roll Washington D.C. Full Marathon at the end of March 2020.

2. Eat package-free for an entire week.

I’ve been working to reduce my plastic consumption and to become as package free as possible for over a year. It is a TOUGH road to avoid single-use plastic, and it’s even tougher to avoid food packaging. I’m making it a goal to eat completely package-free (no containers, no wrapping, no napkins, no waste from anything that isn’t food) for an entire week at some point this year. I’m anticipating that this will be the most challenging item on my list, but I’m also really excited about it.  I’ll definitely be sharing what I learn throughout this week. I’m hoping to find some swaps for buying food that I haven’t thought about yet, and hopefully I’ll be able to continue to lessen my waste overall!

3. Successfully complete 5 escape rooms. 

I LOVE escape rooms. If you’ve never done one before, 1. You are missing out, and 2. Please call me and I will come do one with you. I’m always looking for opportunities to fit in an escape room when we travel, when visiting friends, or basically on any random night of the week. I am a huge fan and so is my husband; we’re so escape-room-crazy that we just designed our own escape “experience” for my family for Christmas. I’ll share our plans for that at some point, but it was a total blast to plan and to watch my family solve. 

hands with clipboard, text - what's on my 20 in 2020 listI’ll do my best to check in quarterly with my progress on the list, but I’m more likely to remember to post in stories as I do each thing. If you’re curious to see how I do with the list, go follow me on Instagram (and feel free to DM me if you see me slacking.) 🙂

Anyone else have a 20 in 2020 list? What sort of things are on your list?

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