Rose-Tinted Read #1: Let’s Pretend This Never Happened

I love books. Growing up, my parents used to have to kick me out of the house in the summer. They would literally force me to go outside and get some sun. Without their loving intervention, I would happily sit in my favorite window seat and read book after book after book. It didn’t matter what the subject was, I would gleefully inhale the book and move on to the next.

I have, on occasion, read to the detriment of all other things. I’ve spent full days on the couch, immersed in a different world, forgetting to eat and drink, and eventually being shocked at how weak I’ve become during the course of the day when I finally put my book down and try to stand.

I’m an English teacher. I’m an obsessive book-buyer. I’m an imaginer and a dreamer and a reader. I love books.

Now that we’re all clear on that, let me introduce to you our very first Rose-Tinted Read! In an effort to spread beauty, positivity, and joy, I’m going to start highlighting some of the beautiful books I read, or what I like to “Rose-Tinted Reads”. These might be books that tell beautiful stories, share diverse perspectives, are funny as hell, or contain gorgeous word choice or prose.


Rose-Tinted Read #1 is the phenomenally funny book Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson. If you’ve never heard of Lawson before, she is the genius behind The Bloggess, and a woman who I aspire to be more like on the daily.

Let’s Pretend This Never Happened is Lawson’s first book, though it’s not the first I’ve read by her. Previously, I read Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things after seeing the adorable raccoon-adorned cover in a bookstore, reading two pages, and falling deeply in love with her writing style and her crazy life.

I highly, highly recommend both books as well as Lawson’s blog. What originally drew me in was the sheer amount of crazy that she has endured in her life and the nonchalant way she documents each insane moment. What kept me reading were her descriptions of her own worry, anxiety, and struggles with mental illness. Especially in Furiously Happy, she details her lifelong battles with depression and embraces her weirdness in a way that is incredibly necessary for anyone who can empathize.

It’s pretty clear that there are still countless stigmas when it comes to mental illness, and when someone can be remarkably candid while sharing their own personal story and make me laugh out loud in public? That person is a clear winner!


Let’s Pretend This Never Happened is slightly less darkly personal, but still shares plenty of details about Lawson’s childhood, unique parents, and perpetually-understanding husband and daughter. She describes her burgeoning love for and collection of oddly dressed taxidermy, and you’ll nod along and wish you had your own jaunty yet dilapidated alligator. It’s a wonderful introduction to Lawson’s writing style and her extremely entertaining life.

If I have to choose a favorite, I’d go with Furiously Happy, as I connected to it on a deeper level, but I strongly suggest you read both. And then follow Lawson’s blog. And follow her on Facebook. And Twitter. And maybe join me in creating a fan club?


As always, I adore getting book recommendations! Is there something you read that you feel compelled to share? A hilarious memoir? A perspective-altering novel? Let me know and I might include it as a future Rose-Tinted Read!

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[…] In an effort to spread beauty, positivity, and joy, I’m going to start highlighting some of the beautiful books I read, or what I like to “Rose-Tinted Reads”. These might be books that tell beautiful stories, share diverse perspectives, are funny as hell, or contain gorgeous word choice or prose. Find Rose-Tinted Read #1 HERE.  […]

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